Some helpful tips for holders of the MetaMundo MetaPortal! If you still need help after reading these FAQs, please reach out via our Discord.

Additional pages:

MetaPortal Holder Roadmap ‘23

How do I redeem The MetaPortal 3D NFT and download my 3D files?

How can I teleport into the unique experiences offered through The MetaPortal?

What do I do if my Ledger is not connecting to MetaMundo?

How do I use The MetaPortal in Decentraland?

How do I use The MetaPortal in Cryptovoxels?

For Collectors, please read our guide on Becoming a MetaMundo Creator

For Collectors, please read our MetaMundo Collector FAQs

Or go back to all MetaMundo FAQs

MetaMundo - Metaverse Marketplace for 3D Collectibles